The McLoud Blackberry Festival began in the early 1940's as a celebration of the end of harvest season for the local cash farm crop, blackberries. Since harvest season was completed just before July 4th, when a community picnic had been held since the town was founded June 21, 1895, the two were combined to create the annual Blackberry festival. The town received national media coverage in 1949 when the Blackberry Growers Association and the McLoud Chamber of Commerce sent a crate of berries via overnight air freight to President Harry Truman. He said they were the best he had ever tasted and then declared McLoud to be the "Blackberry Capital of the World". The association disbanded in 1963 due to a poor market and farmers moved on to a more lucrative crop. While blackberry farming may no longer be the agricultural strength of McLoud, the festival still celebrates this history by continuing to hold this exciting event for the city and draws thousands of attendees from across the nation. The McLoud Blackberry Festival is the longest running food-related festival in the state of Oklahoma!